This filter is designed to increase the pH of acidic water. It also removes iron from water that has been pre-treated with air or chlorine. Special plugged dome hole allows addition of calcite without removing the main control valve.
Calcite works by dissolving in acidic water, so periodic replacement is necessary. The installer sets the 5600 valve to automatically backwash the calcite bed at pre-selected intervals.
We can, of course, supply the filter in some other sizes, although the 10" X 54" unit is a perfect size for most applications. Please call for information about alternate sizes.
The filter can also accommodate Corosex/Calcite mixed media if desired.
(Calcite is inexpensive but heavy, so shipping is a factor. Our price includes shipping of 200 lbs. of calcite, so delivery of this item is often by truck.)
Calcite backwashing filter with Fleck 5600 SXT valve and 10" x 54" Vortech dome hole tank.
(whole house & well units)