Filter Media


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We offer backwashing filter media for a variety of uses. Take a look at our Filter Media Reference Guide to find out more about a particular medium.

Keep in mind that filter media is heavy if you are comparing prices. Media below are priced for shipment in UPS Boxes. If ordering in larger quantities, savings can be considerable if you buy in bags and take shipment by freight. Please call for details: (888) 382-3814.


Activated Carbon

Bituminous Coal Activated Carbon
Bituminous Coal Activated Carbon
Excellent general grade carbon with good flow properties.
Part # fm208
Part # fm108
Part # fm008

Coconut Shell Carbon

Coconut Shell Carbon
Coconut Shell Carbon
Better at general chlorine, chlorinated solvent, and VOC removal than standard activated carbon, but not as effective with heavier organics.
Part # fm205
Part # fm105
Part # fm005

Catalytic Carbon

Centaur Catalytic Carbon
Centaur Catalytic Carbon
A specially processed carbon designed for removal of iron, hydrogen sulfide. Outstanding for removal of chloramines and VOC as well as taste/odor improvement.
Part # fm203
Part # fm103
Part # fm003

Coconut Shell Catalytic Carbon

Jacobi Coconut Shell Catalytic Carbon
Jacobi Coconut Shell Catalytic Carbon
For removal of iron, hydrogen sulfide and chloramine. Coconut shell carbon is ideal for VOC removal.
Part # fm072
Part # fm071
Part # fm070

Iron and Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment


Widely used for reduction of iron and hydrogen sulfide. Extremely heavy and difficult to backwash in large beds.
Part # fm029


Removes dissolved iron and manganese (subject to sufficient dissolved oxygen and pH above 6.8). No chemicals needed for regeneration. Go here for more details.
Part # fm201
Part # fm101
Part # fm001


Superb iron and hydrogen sulfide medium. Can be used independently or after any standard oxidizer. Chlorine tolerant, works well with aeration. Outlasts birm and greensand. A dense medium; approximately 6 gpm of service flow per cubic foot. Sold in 1/2 cubic foot boxes only. Go here for our series of Fleck 2510 filters with Filox.

Katalox Light

Katalox Light
Katalox Light
Katalox Light is a versitile medium for the treatment of iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide. It's lighter than Filox, and requires significantly less backwash. It can also provide sediment filtration down to 3 microns, and can reduce arsenic, zinc, copper, radium and uranium. NSF & WQA certified.
Part # fm045

Softening and Scale Prevention

Softener Resin

Softener Resin
Softener Resin
Softener resin is a cation exchange medium consisting of polymer beads that “soften” water by replacing hardness minerals — calcium and magnesium — with sodium. It can also be used for low-level iron reduction, with pH requirements.
Part # fm225
Part # fm125
Part # fm025

OneFlow / ScaleNet

Watts TAC OneFlow media is available as replacement kits for OneFlow Salt-Free residential water conditioning systems.

One Flow replacement media pack for 8GPM systems. Includes 2 Liters of media. (ORFRES-0835RM)

Part # fm341

One Flow replacement media pack for 12GPM systems. Includes 3 Liters of media. (OFRES-0935RM)

Part # fm342

One Flow replacement media pack for 16GPM systems. Includes 4 Liters of media. (OFRES-1035RM)

Part # fm343

pH Adjustment


For increasing the pH of acidic water. Calcite dissolves as acidic water passes through and must be replaced as it dissolves. Unless it is used in an upflow filter, it must be backwashed.

Part # fm002

Corosex / FloMag

Corosex / FloMag
Corosex / FloMag
Like Calcite, Corosex (granular magnesium oxide — also marketed as FloMag) is used to raise the pH of acidic waters. It supports higher flow rates and gives a greater increase in pH, but it tends to “cement” in hard water and when it is mixed at a ratio higher than 50% with calcite.

Sediment Filtration

Zeolite / Micro-Z

Zeolite / Micro-Z
Zeolite / Micro-Z
Zeolite is an excellent sediment filtration medium that backwashes much more easily than multimedia (sand, anthracite, etc) sediment filters. Filters down to less than 5 microns.
Part # fm204
Part # fm104
Part # fm004

Filter Ag

Filter Ag
Filter Ag
A very useful and efficient medium for the removal of suspended matter and particles. Can remove iron with proper oxidization.
Part # fm207
Part # fm107
Part # fm007

Specialty Media

Activated Alumina

Activated Alumina - 1 Cubic Foot

For removal of arsenic, fluoride, selenium, silica and humic acids. NSF 61 Certified, drinking water grade. 14 X 28 mesh.

Part # fm035
(Call to order.)
Activated Alumina - 1/2 Cubic Foot

For removal of arsenic, fluoride, selenium, silica and humic acids. NSF 61 Certified, drinking water grade. 14 X 28 mesh.

Part # fm036
(Call to order.)


Widely used for reduction of free chlorine and heavy metals. Adds life to carbon filters, serves as a mild bacteriostatic agent to retard bacteria growth in filter beds, and acts to prevent scale buildup. Extremely heavy (170 lbs. per square foot) and difficult to backwash.
Part # fm023

Jacobi Colorsorb

Manufactured with large “macropores” for the removal of color.

Part # fm213


Box of standard gravel for backwashing filters. Specify filter tank size and we'll supply the correct amount. SOLD WITH FILTER MEDIA ORDER ONLY; NOT SOLD SEPARATELY.

Part # fm009

More About Filter Media

Filter Media Reference Guide

Flow & Backwash Chart for Various Filter Media

For further reading on water and water filtration, visit our Article Index.

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